Recent News & Events

W4EAO Frequencies

Jennings Knob - VHF

146.835 MHz

(-) Tone 100

Jennings Knob - UHF

444.125 MHz

(+) Tone 100

Franklin Rd. - VHF

147.105 MHz

(+) Tone 156.7

Franklin Rd. - UHF

442.275 MHz

(+) Tone 100

Taylorsville Rd. - UHF

442.125 MHz

(+) Tone 100

South Greenhill Rd. - UHF

444.750 MHz

(+) Tone 110.9

Boxwell Reservation - UHF

442.050 MHz

(+) Tone 100

Mission Statement

To provide support for the community and citizens of Wilson County through the direction of Wilson County Emergency Management Agency by delivering a high level of technical expertise through Amateur Radio and related technology.

Communications Trailer at the Nashville Speedway
Communications Trailer at the Nashville Speedway

Nashville Super Speedway gets attention from WCSO and WEMA

Wilson County Emergency Management and Sheriff Office were on hand to support the recent NASCAR event. This is only one of many events monitored by these agencies. Members of the Amateur Radio Operations assisted with setup and manning the dispatch center during the week of race events.

Mobile towers help keep an eye on fairgowers.

WEMA has several mobile towers to aid in communications and video surveillance. These towers are put into use several times a year. Amateur Radio Operations members are trained on setup and use for emergency events.

W4EAO Nets Tuesday Night

Join us on VHF at 8:00 p.m. on 146.835 (-) Tone 100

And on UHF at 8:30 p.m. with the linked UHF repeaters listed to the right of this page.

Amateur Radio Operations Trailer goes to HamQuest 2023

The W4EAO trailer was a main feature at the 2023 HamQuest inside the "Made in Tennessee" building at Wilson County Fair Grounds, July 22, 2023 (Read the full story.)

W4EAO made a great showing at the Wilson County / Tennessee State Fair.

Hosting over thirty visitors on the communications trailer we were greeted with great responses from interested viewers. The fair always gives us good exposure to the public.

W4EAO also called nightly “Nets” from the fairgrounds on rotating schedule of our UHF repeaters.

The newly installed Icom IC-7300- and 40-6-meter EF-OCF antenna @ 35 feet provided great HF coverage. Richard Haney finally contacted the Indiana State Fair after trying for 3 years. We were able to make contacts across the U. S., Canada, Mexico and around the world. Some of the best contacts were Slovenia, Costa Rica, Cold Lake Alberta Canada and Puerto Rico. We hope to have more outings soon to continue our work and readiness for the community. Thank you to all that participated!

W4EAO Volunteer Meeting

Please Join W4EAO Wednesday November 13, 2024, at 7:00 pm

115 Oak Street, Lebanon TN 37087

W4EAO Linked UHF Repeater System

Wilson County Emergency Amateur Operations (W4EAO) realized that their current communication system was not efficient enough for large-scale community safety events. We had five UHF repeaters scattered across the county, but they were operating independently. This meant that the coverage was fragmented, and communication was not as seamless as it could be.

We decided to embark on a project to link all five UHF repeaters. The task was not easy. It required careful planning, technical expertise, and a lot of hard work. But the W4EAO team was determined. They knew that this would greatly enhance their ability to facilitate communications during community safety events.

After weeks of hard work, planning and with the support of Wilson County EMA we finally managed to successfully link all five UHF repeaters. The result is a robust and unified communication network that covers the entire county. Now, during community safety events, we can easily coordinate efforts, share information, and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

The success of the project is celebrated by the entire community. The W4EAO’s efforts have not only improved their own operations but also contributed to the safety and well-being of the entire county. This story serves as a reminder of the power of amateur radio and the importance of community service. And so, Wilson County Emergency Amateur Operations and Wilson County EMA continues to serve this community, always ready to lend a hand in times of need.

The repeaters are linked during weekly nets and safety events, unlinked for normal amateur operations. Licensed amateur radio operators are encouraged to use the repeaters for daily communications.

Wilson EMA Amateur Radio Operations Communications Trailer at the Wilson County Fair/Tennessee State Fair 2024

The Wilson EMA communications trailer is a self-contained mobile unit equipped with state-of-the-art communication technology. It serves as a vital resource during disasters, providing emergency responders with reliable communication channels even when traditional infrastructure fails. The trailer includes:

Radio Equipment: The heart of the trailer is its amateur radio equipment. Operators can communicate via voice, Morse code, or digital modes across various frequency bands.

Antennas: High-performance antennas allow for long-range communication. Whether it’s reaching neighboring counties or connecting with operators worldwide, the trailer’s antennas ensure reliable signal propagation.

Power Systems: The trailer has backup power sources, including generators, ensuring continuous operation during extended emergencies.

Showcasing Capabilities

Visitors at the fair had the chance to step inside the communications trailer and witness its capabilities:

Emergency Simulations: The Wilson EMA team demonstrated how they establish communication links during simulated emergencies. From coordinating search-and-rescue efforts to relaying critical information, the trailer showcased its readiness.

Global Reach: Using amateur radio, operators made contacts with fellow hams around the world. These “DX” (distance) contacts demonstrate the global reach of amateur radio and its importance in disaster scenarios.

Educational Outreach: The trailer served as an educational hub, explaining the role of amateur radio in emergency preparedness. Visitors learned about licensing, frequencies, and the power of community-based communication.

The Wilson EMA communications trailer exemplifies the spirit of amateur radio: connecting people, bridging gaps, and ensuring communication resilience during crises. Whether it’s a local fair or a global DX contact, ham radio operators play a vital role in keeping communities informed and safe. Next time you see the trailer at an event, take a moment to appreciate the unsung heroes behind the antennas—the amateur radio operators who stand ready to serve when disaster strikes.

SKYWARN Classes are here!

Tuesday, October 22 630 pm
Wilson County Schools District Office
415 Harding Drive
Lebanon, TN

The full Fall 2024 Schedule is here: